La Weyermann di Bamberga, malti distribuiti da UBERTI Venezia , ha sviluppato e pubblicato una serie di flavour wheels per descrivere i propri malti.
Queste ruote degli aromi risultano pratiche e di grande utilità per gli homebrewer,in quanto raggruppano i diversi gruppi aromatici, sia nella versione kernel (ovvero quando li assaggiamo prima del mash, in particolare per i malti caramello e speciale), sia nella versione “wort” (ovvero successiva al mash):
- Aromi tostati: caffé, cacao, cioccolato, mandorla tostata, frutta secca, pane
- Aromi affumicati: legno affumicato, chiodo di garofano
- Aromi fruttati: mandorla, nocciola, uva passa, vaniglia
- Aromi maltati: miele, biscotto, marmellata, malto
- Aromi caramellati: toffee, caramello
- Gusto: acido, dolce, amaro
Prima di parlare di luppoli e lieviti nonchè delle spezie, senza dimenticare il profilo dell'acqua, conoscere i malti nella loro interezza aromatica oltre che nelle caratteristiche squisitamente chimiche, è sicuramente il punto di partenza per chi decide di avvicinarsi con passione al mondo dell'homebrewing.
E' un malto realizzato con l'orzo da birra della migliore qualità tedesca, fornisce la base perfetta per tutti gli stili di birra, in particolare per le birre a bassa fermentazione.
Questo malto viene essiccato inizialmente a bassissime temperature, poi vari step di temperatura da 60°C fino a 80°C per una durata che varia da poche ore o per diversi giorni.
Il malto assume un colore molto chiaro ed un sapore delicato, ma distintivo di crosta di pane dorata. Il livello di concentrazione degli enzimi, all’interno della materia prima, rimane tale da consentire la conversione dell’amido in zuccheri fermentabili, sia che siano utilizzati in purezza che in miscela con altri malti.
All'Olfatto si percepiscono il dolce maltato con leggere note di miele, che risultano più apprezzabili masticando un chicco.
Il colore 2,5 pre boil - 4,5 post boil EBC o 1,4-2,1 Lovibond, SG 1.030-1.032.
L' attività enzimatica molto elevata è tale da potere trasformare il contenuto di amidi rilasciato anche da altri malti inclusi nel grist. E' un malto che può essere utilizzato al 100% nella ricetta della nostra birra.
Questa è la ruota specifica realizzata per il pilsner - wort ovvero successiva al mash.
Weyermann of Bamberg, malts distributed by UBERTI Venezia,
has developed and published a series of flavor wheels to describe
their malts.
These aroma wheels are practical and very useful for
homebrewers, as they group the different aromatic groups,
both in the kernel version (i.e. when we taste them before
mash, in particular for caramel and special malts), and in the
"wort" version. "(Or after the mash):
1. Toasted flavors: coffee, cocoa, chocolate, toasted almond,
dried fruit, bread
2. Smoky aromas: smoked wood, clove
3. Fruity aromas: almond, hazelnut, raisin, vanilla
4. Malted flavors: honey, biscuit, jam, malt
5. Caramelized flavors: toffee, caramel
6. Taste: sour, sweet, bitter
We will analyze and describe in succession the two base malts
par excellence:
pilsner malt and pale ale malt, malts that enter the grist of each
beer according to the style we are going to brew.
Before talking about hops and yeasts as well as spices, without
forgetting the water profile, knowing the malts in their aromatic
entirety as well as in the exquisitely chemical characteristics, is
certainly the starting point for those who decide to approach the
world of homebrewing.
It is a malt made with the best quality German beer barley, it
provides the perfect base for all styles of beer, especially for
bottom-fermented beers.
This malt is initially dried at very low temperatures, then
various temperature steps from 60 ° C up to 80 ° C for a
duration ranging from a few hours to several days.
The malt takes on a very light color and a delicate but
distinctive flavor of golden bread crust.
The level of concentration of enzymes within the raw
material remains such as to allow the conversion of
starch into fermentable sugars, whether they are used
alone or mixed with other malts.
On the nose you can perceive the sweet malty with light
notes of honey, which are more appreciable by chewing
a grain.
The suit 2,5 pre boil - 4,5 post boil, EBC or 1,4-2,1
Lovibond, SG 1.30-1.032.
The very high enzymatic activity is such as to be able
to transform the starch content also released by other
malts included in the grist.
It is a malt that can be used 100% in our beer recipe.
At first glance one might be induced to not understand
anything, but looking at it carefully it is evident thevarious aromas have a number on a scale from 1 to 5 that
allows us to identify the main aromas provided by this
wort malt.
Scale 3 highlights the Sweet = Sweet aroma, which we
can easily appreciate by chewing a grain of this malt.Scale 2 identifies the Malty Sweet = Dolce Maltato
aroma, which characterizes this barley malt in adecisive way.
Scale 1 tells us that other aromas such as honey,
biscuit and caramel (caramelized aromas) can beappreciated in minimal quantities, then in a barely
perceptible way you can find vanilla, hazelnut(fruity aromas). In the sweet taste scale,bitterness and acidity are detected, but to a
minimal extent, however, dominated by maltysweetness, while in the toasted aroma scale
the Bready aroma = breaded flavor is seen
below the value 1.
The Kolbach index of this malt ranges from a
minimum of 36 to a maximum of 42%, it is anindicative parameter of the degree of modification
of the malt.
The desired values for base malts are around 35-40%
for Pils malts, and 40-45% for Pale malts.Higher values indicate that there was too much action of the
proteolytic enzymes, which therefore excessively degradedthe protein content. This could lead to a lack of body and
above all compromise the seal of the foam. Lower values
instead characterize a submodified malt, which could
therefore have an excessive amount of proteins responsible
for the formation of turbidity, and a lower yield in extract
(due to the protein network that surrounds the starch
The friability is 84%, this indicates the ease with which
the malt grain is crushed (as a result of the biochemical
processes that occurred during malting it is much more
friable than barley as it is).
This too is an indication of the modification of the malt.
Another value to consider is Extract (dry substance)
which is equal to 80.5%, an important figure for
calculating the yield of the malt and therefore the
efficiency of your mashing process, namely the
extract on dry (finely ground).
This value indicates the percentage by weight
of extracted substances, on the total weight of
the malt used, obtained under standard mashing
conditions. It is an important value for base
malts, present in high% in our recipes.
The higher this value is, the more efficient our
malt will be.
It can be referred to as Fine Grind (0.2mm fine grind)
or as Coarse Grind (0.7mm coarse grind).
Total Proteins - The protein content of malt is another
important parameter, as these are responsible for both
the body and the seal of the foam, and for possible
problems of turbidity. Optimal values are around 10%.
Our Pilsner malt produced by Weyermann ranges from
a minimum of 9.5% to a maximum of 12%.
Moisture content (%) or HUMIDITY - This is an
important value because a properly dried malt is less
susceptible to attack by molds, bacteria, etc., and
therefore keeps better and longer. Furthermore,
clearly, for the same weight, a malt with a lower
quantity of humidity has a higher starch content.
In our factsheet, pilsner malt has a value of 5%.
N.B. Values over 6% may indicate inadequate drying.
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